Eliminate Distractions to Fuel Your Guitar Progress
“To truly excel, you must commit to eliminating distractions and using any and every tool available to enhance your practice sessions.”
Why You Should Work With a Guitar Instructor BEFORE You Try to Teach Yourself
“An instructor can provide valuable feedback and guidance to keep you on the right track, saving you immense time and frustration down the road.”
Why You Should Learn From a Rock/Metal Instructor
“If your goal is to shred like your heroes, this is the path you need to take.”
Getting Started with Learning Guitar
“With the right mindset and guidance, you can unlock your full potential as a guitarist and embark on a lifelong musical adventure.”
So Imagine You Have Gotten Pretty Good at Guitar. What Now?
“Embrace your guitar skills, let your creativity flow, and unlock the endless possibilities that await.”
How to Utilize Your Limited Practice Time
“With so many options, how do you decide what to focus on?”
Practicing Guitar After the Honeymoon Period
“Having that accountability and camaraderie can make a big difference when your solo practice starts to feel stagnant.”
Learning Music Theory Will NEVER Make You Less Creative
“Whatever feeling you are trying to invoke with your songwriting, someone has already done it and music theory contains all their secrets laid bare.”
How to Improve Your Shredding Speed
“Surround yourself with like-minded musicians or join a community of guitar enthusiasts to stay motivated and engaged in your practice sessions.”
How to Keep Pursuing Guitar When Everyone Discourages You
“If you're looking to pursue guitar lessons, whether for fun or as a career move, it's essential to stay determined despite any negativity you encounter.”
Finding a Guitar Mentor is Key to Your Success - Here’s Why
“If you’re not sure where to begin your journey, or you are frustrated and not sure why you aren’t getting better, working with a professional instructor is precisely what you need to kick start your progress.”
How to Stay Motivated
“Whether you're taking guitar lessons in Orange, Texas or anywhere else, finding ways to stay motivated can greatly enhance your progress and enjoyment of the instrument.”
Why You Should Learn to Play the Guitar
“Learning to play the guitar can be a transformative experience, opening up a world of creativity, self-expression, and personal fulfillment.”
Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
“We can see how far we have come, but we also catch a glimpse at how far we have to go.”