Why You Should Work With a Guitar Instructor BEFORE You Try to Teach Yourself
Picking up a guitar and teaching yourself may seem like the easiest and most cost-effective option, but it can actually end up costing you more time and money in the long run. When you try to learn guitar on your own, especially as a beginner, you run the risk of developing incorrect playing habits that will be difficult to break later on.
Working with a qualified guitar instructor from the start is the best way to ensure you build a strong foundation and make the fastest progress. An instructor can provide valuable feedback and guidance to keep you on the right track, saving you immense time and frustration down the road. Learning a new skill like playing the guitar is complicated, and having an expert mentor makes all the difference.
Don't make the mistake of trying to go it alone. Invest in working with me and watch your skills skyrocket. You'll be playing like a pro in no time.
All the best.
Play Loud. Be Heard.
Gavin F. Haley
Apex Guitar Institute